Inclusion College Post 16 Programme is designed for students aged 16—25 who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and require a tailored further education programme in a supportive learning environment.

A Bespoke Education Pathway

The objective of the programme is to equip students with the skills and strategies to step into a larger environment, such as college or the workplace in the future.

The curriculum and timetables are personalised to the individual and a full package of support is available.

Depending on the individual student’s need, the package can include social skills and communication, Employability & Work Skills, Functional Skills Maths and English, Life skills & Wellbeing, art, music, practical activities, vocational course, work experience, volunteering and community projects, counselling, enrichment activities, and a range of ongoing support.

Supporting the mental health and wellbeing of our learners is integral to each of our sessions.

Empowering Personal Development

We aim to offer support and assistance to our students, increasing their confidence, identifying their interests, skills and personal qualities – enabling them to discover their own individual pathway. We can then assist them to develop and build on these skills – progressing to whatever next steps they wish to make moving forward.

You can contact us to find out more but please be aware all placements need agreement from SEN.

Head of Inclusion College and Mental Health Lead Marie Greenhalgh said, ‘As a specialist education centre, the mental health and well-being of our students and staff is at the heart of all that we do. We have developed a bespoke education programme of academic, pastoral and skill – enhancing work, tailored to the individual needs of every student, with an emphasis on emotional well-being and mental health support. This approach is extremely important to us as an organisation and is extended to students, their family and support networks and our own staff.

What's going on?

Baton of Hope : ending the stigma of suicide

Suicide prevention – why do we still not talk about it?

Advice for dealing with hot weather

Edition 16 of Inclusion Weekly, our college newsletter

Edition 15 of Inclusion Weekly, our college newsletter

Life Skills Week at Inclusion College

Edition 14 of Inclusion Weekly, our college newsletter

Edition 12 of Inclusion Weekly, our college newsletter

Edition 11 of Inclusion Weekly, our college newsletter

Creative writing piece for Anti-Bullying Week

Looking for support?